#18 Testimony: Written September 2022

Mark, Maggie, and I are in a discipleship class on Wednesdays after worship practice. We’ve been doing it for months and I’ve been learning a ton. It’s purpose is to teach us how to disciple others but it is also to disciple us. So we all gather and go through the Bible and then we break up into small groups and discuss our high’s and low’s (moments from our week) and do prayer requests.

Small groups!? You got to be kidding me!! I have a hard enough time talking in front of people especially about my Lord and Savior. I shouldn’t I know, but whenever I talk about Jesus and especially about what He went through for us, I get really emotional. Even in front of my children. Let’s face it, I am just a sap. Anyway after all the months of doing this, I have changed a lot. I feel like my walk, and yes I can walk, with the Lord has really changed me. I am getting in the word, way more and my prayer life has increased drastically, but then again I have a preteen and a five year old so of course it is going to and drastically! LOL!

Seriously last Wednesday, August 30th, Brother Randy asked us to write down our testimony using these three sentences below. So yes I was like now I have homework? Oh Lord what am I going to write? So I am thinking about my testimony, and I’m thinking that I really don’t have one. But yes I have one, but my actual walk with the Lord has changed so much. So I was actually saved in 2002 and I feel like for a while I got really stagnant, but now having children and having the pastor that we have, who is so much like a teacher that I am growing more in my walk I’m learning so much.

1. What was your life like before Jesus?
I come from a Catholic background in which I went to church on Sunday, went to CCD classes on Wednesday night, and as a junior in High School, I was confirmed. Then I would go to church on Easter and Christmas. I was all about me and I loved attention. I craved attention and wanted to be in the middle of it. I always knew who Jesus was and God and the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary. I had a head knowledge. I was a good person. That’s all I thought that was needed. I never read a Bible. I cursed like a sailor. I stole. I felt like the world owed me. I had this horrible Progressive terminal disease that was going to kill me. But even then I yearned for more.

2. What led you to Jesus?
Well I always say it was Mark who led me to Christ and the first time I prayed the prayer was with Mark. We made a decision, when we took in Mark’s four half sisters, that they needed to be raised in church. But honestly I think that it was the first judgment house that I went to about the Humphrey family. I saw what life was like before, during, and after having Jesus. And what it would be like without Jesus and I didn’t want that. I saw what it would be like to have a relationship with Jesus and I knew that’s what I wanted.

3. What was your life like after Jesus?
I feel centered and grounded. I have peace and security. I’m secure in the knowledge that He’ll be with me every step of the way and through the good times and the bad. Whenever we’re having parenting issues with the girls and we are at our wits end, that He always has the answer. My Christian journey is a never ending growth. With every stage in life that I go through, I am always learning more about the Lord and striving to improve my relationship with Him and sharing with the world about Him and what He has done for me!

So the question is do you have that??? Would you like to have that???

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