#17: Romans 8:28

Full disclosure: I wrote this blog years ago and I am transferring them to my website.‭

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Today is the day the Lord has made!! This verse is very near and dear to my heart. This afternoon when I was listening to the story on the verse of the day, the lady was saying exactly everything that I feel. I feel extremely grateful for my disease and yes it is hard at times but God has helped me understand his plan.

With my disease there are so many things that I cannot do now that I used to be able to do. Like for instance I would climb trees, go fishing, run and play in the sand at the beach and then get in the water. Yes I cannot do those things anymore and some of the hardest parts of having this disease are not being able to pick up my children and walk around with them, get in the water with them, run around in the yard and push them on the swing. So now that I’m in my mid 40s I am losing my fine motor control, which affects the smallest of things like buttoning a dress or picking up things. Worst part is not being able to do those things and I have to allow other people to do those things when I can’t is very hard. But on the flip side, I could have it way worse off and there are some people who can’t hear their children or see their children and some aren’t able to even feel their children and I am able to hug my children and comfort them when they’re upset or hurt. I still have my voice yet it is not as clear as it used to be and I have to consciously use things I learned in speech therapy to be loud and clear. Speaking used to never be an issue for me. I had no problem being very loud and clear when fussing at the four girls we raised! 😂 I am now homeschooling my children and that is huge for me and makes me and the girls closer and I get gratification from being able to teach my children. So you see, yes, it’s hard not having the ability to do certain things but I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the things that I am able to do!

So the other thing that I think about when I hear this verse is COVID. COVID was a very rough virus on so many people but I am actually glad for our COVID experience. And this is why, after going through some things with the effect that covid had on my husband, my rock, and my best friend and then him ending up in ICU for 3 weeks was very rough. That ended up being very hard on us but some really awesome things came out of it. It was hard because one of three people that I live for was gone and I was afraid. I say that but in the back of my mind I knew that Mark would be back. I don’t know why but despite of everything that I was feeling; being scared that I would be left on this earth without him and having to raise my children and explain to them why he’s gone. Thank God I didn’t have to do that. It was very rough having to depend on everyone else to take care of me and my children. Because of that I learned how to not have to rely on Mark for everything. Moving around more on my own and not having to constantly have Mark moving me around. I learned tips on how to better my speech and my voice. It was good for Mark because the reason that he got so bad was because of his type 2 Diabetes and he is constantly working on getting his numbers down. Having experienced so many losses recently, it has shown me that God does not promise tomorrow and we need to keep God as our number one priority, in our family and our whole world. I feel closer to Christ because of all this and in spite of it. I try to look for the good in everything in my life. I am not ready to lose any of my family but I value each and every minute I have with them.

Because of everything I have gone through in the past and the inability to just take walks and hold hands and give hugs; I feel like I have an ever-present need for contact. My love language is physical touch and with everything that has happened I always feel the need to have a hug and something that gets on every one of my nerves is the side hug. I know me being in a wheelchair makes it harder to give me a full on hug. But really people I’m not going to break! I hate with a passion the side hugs that I always get and then that’s why one of the things that I love about my new electric wheelchair and that is that it raises me up to where I am eye level with people and can finally give good hugs!

Full disclosure: I wrote this blog years ago and I am transferring them to my website.

Today is the day the Lord has made!! This verse is very near ,

Romans 8:28 NLT‬
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Full disclosure: I wrote this blog years ago and I am transferring them to my website.. to am


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